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Valid characters in the shipment number and entry into operation of the H7 shipments of low value

Today 02 15 2021, the H7 application - low value shipments and all related applications goes live in Production: G3 - activation of H7, ENS, EXS / ETD, as well as DSDT (temporary deposit summary declaration): in the low-value grouping item knowledge and low-value shipment numbers declared as knowledge in a particular scenario.

These applications are related by the shipment number, and thus, to find homogenization, the valid characters that are contemplated, in the number of 

shipping/grouper heading knowledge, are as follows and for these five applications:

from capital A to capital Z: A-Z 

numbers from zero to 9: 0-9

The AEAT will only consider these characters (AZ, 0-9) as a result of the formatting it performs: If any other is declared, it would not be considered:

pe it declares: H7scarceValue/02-15-2021,

is formatted to: H7SHAREVALUE15022021.