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Form 200. Corporate Income Tax Declaration 2018

4.2.38 Codes 01813 and 01814 tax debt on documented legal acts (ITP and AJD) (Art. 15 m LIS)

With effect for tax periods beginning on or after 10 November 2018, article 15 m) of the LIS establishes that the tax debt of the Tax on Property Transfers and Documented Legal Acts, Documented Legal Acts modality, notarial documents, will not be a deductible expense when it concerns loan deeds with mortgage guarantee in which the taxpayer is the lender (second paragraph of article 29 of the Revised Text of the Law on Property Transfers and Documented Legal Acts, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/1993, of 24 September).

In application of the provisions of this precept, the taxpayer in the tax period in which the aforementioned non-tax-deductible expenses are recorded, must make a positive adjustment in key [01813].