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Form 200. Corporate Income Tax Declaration 2018

4.2.90 Keys 00413 and 00414 other corrections to the profit and loss account result

These keys will include other reasons for increase (key [00413]) and decrease (key [00414]) that must be made on the amount of key [00501] of the profit and loss account result before Corporate Tax, to determine the taxable base, provided that they are not expressly provided for in any of the corrections included in the previous keys of the section "Details of corrections to the profit and loss account result (excluding the correction for IS )".

Among the circumstances that will give rise to the completion of these keys, the following can be cited as an example and without being exhaustive:

  • Rules that recognize the tax benefit of free and accelerated amortization prior to January 1, 1996.

    These include:

    • Royal Decree-Law 2/1985, of April 30, on Economic Policy Measures.

    • Laws 12/1988, of May 25, and 30/1990, of December 27, regulating the tax benefits relating to various events to be held in 1992.

    • Law 20/1990, of December 19, on the Tax Regime of Cooperatives.

    • Law 15/1986, of April 25, in whose article 20.2 the granting of the benefit of freedom of amortization is made possible to employee-owned corporations, provided that there has been a corresponding ministerial order granting tax benefits.

    In this regard, the third transitional provision of Law 4/1997, of March 24, on Labor Companies, expressly maintains this benefit until the end of its term and under the terms in which it was authorized. In this regard, the third transitional provision of Law 4/1997, of March 24, on Labor Companies, expressly maintains this benefit until the end of its term and under the terms in which it was authorized.

    • Other laws of a special nature: Mining Promotion Act, Hydrocarbon Research and Exploitation Act, National Electricity System Regulation Act, etc.

    • Law 31/1992, of November 26, on Tax Incentives applicable to the implementation of the Cartuja 93 Project.

    • Royal Decree-Law 3/1993, of February 26, on urgent measures on budgetary, tax, financial and employment matters.

    • Royal Decree-Law 7/1994, of June 20, on freedom of amortization for investments that generate employment.

    • Royal Decree-Law 2/1995, of February 17, on freedom of amortization for investments that generate employment.

    In these cases, the key [00413] (increases) will contain the amount of the depreciation recorded in the tax period being declared, whose tax deductibility has already been applied in previous tax periods by virtue of the benefit of freedom of depreciation or another system by which tax-deductible depreciation is authorized that is greater than that which would result from taking into account only technical depreciation, provided that in these tax periods the corresponding decrease or negative adjustment to the accounting result has been made.

  • Income obtained by cooperative societies as a result of the attribution of assets and rights of the Agricultural Chambers that have taken place since January 1, 1994.

  • Corrections motivated by the application of the Seventh Additional Provision of the LIS , regarding the non-integration into the taxable base of the Corporate Tax of the increases and decreases in assets that are revealed as a consequence of the assignment of the professional team to a newly created sports corporation.

  • Corrections caused by the application of the provisions of the Third Additional Provision of the Corporate Tax Law, which establishes the non-integration into the tax base of positive income that has been revealed in the tax period as a result of:

    1. The perception of the following aid from the Community agricultural policy:

      1. Definitive abandonment of vineyard cultivation.

      2. Bonus for uprooting apple orchards.

      3. Bonus for uprooting banana trees.

      4. Permanent abandonment of milk production.

      5. Definitive abandonment of the cultivation of pears, peaches and nectarines.

      6. Starting of pear, peach and nectarine plantations.

      7. Definitive abandonment of the cultivation of sugar beet and sugar cane.

    2. The perception of the following aid from the Community fisheries policy: definitive abandonment of fishing activities.

    3. The receipt of public aid aimed at repairing the destruction, due to fire, flooding or collapse, of heritage elements used for economic activities.

    4. The perception of aid for abandoning road transport activity paid by the Ministry of Public Works to transporters who meet the requirements established in the regulations governing the granting of said aid.

    5. The receipt of public compensation for the compulsory slaughter of livestock, within the framework of actions aimed at eradicating epidemics or diseases.

  • Corrections that may arise from the application of the assumptions contemplated in the fifth and sixth transitional provisions of the consolidated text of the Law on the Regulation of Pension Plans and Funds, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2002, of December 29.

  • Corrections that may arise from the restitution of assets and rights of patrimonial content and the pecuniary compensation provided for in Law 43/1998, of December 15, on restitution or compensation to political parties in application of the regulations on political responsibilities of the period 1936-1939.

Report :

Contributions made by partners to replenish the company's net worth, due to the imbalance between the share capital and said assets in accordance with articles 163.1 and 260.1.4 of the Joint Stock Companies Act, are not counted as income. Such contributions are not included in the accounting result and the Tax Law does not establish any correction in this regard.