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Form 200. Corporate Income Tax Declaration 2019 Completing the breakdown screens

Structure of the sections

Column « Joint limit » expresses, for each type of deduction and for each tax period, the joint percentage that, under the legally established conditions, must operate on the full quota reduced by the deductions for double taxation and the bonuses, to determine the maximum amount applicable in the current tax period. Likewise, column « Year limit » indicates the last year in which the deduction can be applied, which will be the first of those indicated when the fiscal year coincides with the calendar year, provided that the fiscal year has a duration of twelve months.

The first of the columns that the declarant must complete "Pending/generated deduction" aims to collect the following information regarding the different types of deduction:

  1. If the deduction is generated in a tax period prior to the current one, the balance of the corresponding deduction that was pending application at the beginning of the tax period being declared will be recorded in each field of the first column.

  2. If it is a deduction generated in the current period, the amount of the deduction that has been generated will be recorded in each field of the first column.

The second column "Applied in this settlement" aims to record the amount of deductions applied in the settlement of the tax period subject to declaration. The fields in this column must be completed by the declarant.

The third "Pending application in future periods" aims to record the balance of those deductions, both from previous tax periods and generated in the tax period itself, which, because they have not been applied in the settlement of the tax period being declared, remain pending application in future periods (unless the current tax period was the last in which they could be applied, in which case the pending deduction balance is lost). The fields corresponding to this third column are calculated by the completion form.

When completing column « Applied in this settlement » , it must be taken into account that the completion form controls that the amounts entered here do not exceed the amounts resulting from applying the limits established in each case by the regulations governing the different deduction regimes to the full quota, minus the deductions for double taxation and the bonuses. Remember that the form to be completed checks that the corresponding limits are met, so that if there is a change in the declaration that involves a reduction in the base on which the aforementioned limits are calculated, the form to be completed recalculates the deductions applied in the most favourable way for the taxpayer. However, it is the taxpayer himself who must choose how to apply them, checking that the completion of the form does not exceed the established limits.