Autonomous Community of Galicia
A 50% bonus will be applied to the full amount of the tax.
This deduction will be reduced by the amount payable resulting from the application of the regulations on the temporary solidarity tax on large fortunes for the same year, without the result being negative.
If, as a result of this reduction, the amount of this bonus is exhausted, the other regional deductions that are applicable will be reduced by the necessary amount, without the result being negative.
Amount of the regional bonus (box 50)
If you do not have to file the Temporary Solidarity Tax on Large Fortunes (ITSGF), the program will automatically calculate the amount of the bonus.
If you need to submit ITSGF:
You must enter the amount from box 210 of the ITSGF in the data capture window that opens from box 50. For this purpose, the program to help file this tax will soon be enabled, although it will not be available for filing until July 1, 2024.
To obtain the amount for box 210 you can follow these steps:
Complete the Wealth Tax (IP) without entering any data in box 50. The program will initially calculate a 50% bonus on the fee (box 50) and a fee to be paid (box 55).
These amounts must be adjusted later based on the result obtained in box 210 of the ITSGF.
Complete the ITSGF to obtain the amount in box 210. To do this, you must enter in box 205 the quota initially obtained in box 55 of the IP.
Once you have obtained the amount from box 210 of the ITSGF, you must enter it into box 50 of the IP. With this information, the program will calculate the amount of the regional bonus that corresponds to you.
Remember that when submitting the ITSGF you must enter in box 205 the fee already paid by the IP (box 55).