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Practical manual for Income Tax 2020.

c) Freedom of amortization in the cases contemplated in article 12.3 of the Corporate Tax Law

In accordance with the provisions of article 12.3 of the LIS, the following may be freely amortized: 

  • The elements of tangible and intangible fixed assets , excluding buildings, used for research and development activities. The buildings may be depreciated on a straight-line basis over a period of 10 years, in the part that is assigned to research and development activities. 
  • The research and development expenses capitalized as intangible assets, excluding amortization of items that enjoy free amortization.
  • The elements of tangible or intangible fixed assets of entities that have the qualification of priority associative farms in accordance with the provisions of Law 19/1995, of July 4, on the modernization of agricultural farms, acquired during the first five years from the date of their recognition as a priority farm. 
  • The new tangible fixed assets , whose unit value does not exceed 300 euros, up to the limit of 25,000 euros referred to the tax period. If the tax period is less than one year, the limit indicated will be the result of multiplying 25,000 euros by the proportion between the duration of the tax period and the year. The amounts applied to the free amortization will reduce, for tax purposes, the value of the amortized elements.