The Tax Agency dismantles a network that laundered up to 50 million euros from drug trafficking
The organization had been operating since the late 1990s and had acquired at least 124 properties and various high-end boats and vehicles. Most of the properties are located in the Salnés region, in Pontevedra.
In recent days, the Tax Agency has dismantled a money laundering network originating from drug trafficking that could have laundered up to 50 million euros from two different organisations. The investigations, which are still ongoing within the framework of the first phase of Operation Houdini, have so far resulted in six arrests, the discovery of 124 properties purchased by those under investigation, of which 75 have already been seized, as well as various boats and high-end vehicles. In addition, numerous bank accounts have been seized.
The investigation, which has lasted two years, has revealed the millions of dollars that have been accumulating since the late 1990s in the name of Manuel AF, alias 'Patoco' (who died in December 2008) and José Antonio FB (in prison), as well as various individuals and legal entities involved.
Operation "Houdini" was directed and coordinated by the head of the Central Court of Instruction No. 3 of the National Court and the Anti-Drug Prosecutor's Office, and the analysis of money movements abroad and investments in real estate and movable property have been vital. The investigation therefore involved the judicial and police collaboration of the authorities of Portugal and the United States.
Following complex investigations carried out by Customs Surveillance officers attached to the staff of the Money Laundering Unit of Vigo, the Tax Agency carried out an operation that culminated last Friday, February 5, with the arrests of those under investigation and those suspected of being responsible for the money laundering network.
In total, the market value of the properties investigated, located mostly in the Salnés region (Pontevedra), exceeds 30 million euros, to which must be added the high outlays made on high-end cars, boats and other movable property. The total amount raised by the group under investigation is estimated to be in excess of 50 million euros.
This is the fifth major operation carried out by the Tax Agency in Galicia in the last two years aimed at dismantling the economic networks that support their increases in assets and their financial operations in the alleged profits obtained as a result of drug trafficking operations. In 2008, there was Operation Malpolón and Operation Job, and in 2009, there was Operation Dourado and Operation Bretema. As a result of these operations, a total of 48 people have been arrested and charged with money laundering involving the seizure of assets and cash worth more than 100 million euros. International cooperation and the streamlining of collaboration procedures with the justice departments of other countries has led to a reduction in the effectiveness of money laundering from drug trafficking.
The Tax Agency, within the strategic lines included in the Tax Fraud Prevention Plan and other planning instruments, considers that this type of operation is the result of the effort to enhance the specialization of the tax administration staff and especially of the Customs Surveillance Investigation Units in the fight against economic crime. In this line of work, the Tax Agency, through the Customs Surveillance Operational Units, reported 81 money laundering crimes last year for a total of almost 370 million euros, 23.12% more than in 2008.