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Form 100. Personal Income Tax Declaration 2018

5. Personal and family details

These screens collect some personal and family data that are generally necessary to prepare the personal income tax return. These screens will appear successively, and the required data must be entered based on your personal and family circumstances.

The determination of the members of the family unit and the family circumstances will be carried out taking into account the situation existing on December 31 of each year, except in the case of death during the year of a member of the family unit, in which case the tax period will end and tax will accrue on the date of death.

It must also be taken into account that some regional deductions require other personal data that is requested on the screens intended for completing the "AUTONOMIC FEE DEDUCTIONS".

Attention: once the data relating to marital status has been confirmed, the existence or not of children who are part of the family unit, the consideration of the spouse as a non-resident who is not a personal income tax taxpayer, of the descendants receiving income (Child1, Child 2, Child 3 and Child 4), and on the date of death of the taxpayer, upon exiting the assistant for completing the personal data, they cannot be modified subsequently; their variation will mean the need to start a new declaration. This circumstance is noted by the program before its final confirmation through a verification screen prior to completing the completion of personal data.

  1. 5.1. Personal information
  2. 5.2. Children and other descendants
  3. 5.3. Ascendants over 65 years old or disabled
  4. 5.4. Autonomous Community of habitual residence