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Practical Manual for Companies 2020.

Chapter 11. Tax system for cooperatives

Cooperative societies that apply the tax regime regulated in Law 20/1990, of December 19, on the Tax Regime of Cooperatives, must take into account, in addition to the general regulations of the Corporate Tax (see Chapter 5 "Settlement of Corporate Tax: "Determination of the tax base" and Chapter 6 "Settlement of Corporate Tax: Calculation of the tax liability" of this guide in relation to paying the tax), but also the special rules provided for in the said Law.

Keep in mind:

The rules in Chapter IV of Title II ("Special rules applicable to Corporation Tax") and Title III ("On the members and associates of cooperatives") of Law 20/1990 of 19 December 1990 are applicable to all cooperatives duly constituted and registered in the Register of Cooperatives, even should they incur in any of the circumstances stripping them of their status as tax protected cooperatives.

  1. Types of cooperatives
  2. Specialities applicable to cooperatives in paying tax
  3. Corporation Tax Settlement Scheme for Cooperative Societies