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Form 100. 2020 Personal Income Tax Return Declaration

8.11. Personal Income Tax amount corresponding to the autonomous community of residence

Law 22/2009 of 18 December 2009, which regulates the financing system for the Autonomous Communities under the common system and Cities with a Statute of Autonomy, establishes, with effect from 1 January 2009, an increase in the percentage of personal income tax transfers from 33% to 50%.

Consequently, to determine the amount of personal income tax that corresponds to the Autonomous Community of residence, section N on page 23 of the declaration will appear completed, with the exception of those who during the year had their habitual residence abroad or in the cities with Statute of Autonomy of Ceuta or Melilla.

In general, the data that appears in each of the boxes in this section N are the result of carrying out the operations indicated in the text of each of the boxes.