How to cancel your electronic certificate
Requesting the Cancellation or Revocation of your Certificate will allow you to cancel the validity of the certificate before the expiration date stated on it.
Revocation can be requested at any time, and in particular, it must be requested when the holder believes that his certificate may have been copied, that his PIN may be known by a third party, if he has lost it, etc.
If necessary, you can request the revocation (cancellation) of your certificate from the certificate issuing entity or from the Administration or Delegation. Once revoked (annulled), a new certificate must be requested by repeating all the steps required to obtain it.
You can request a new certificate and request cancellation of the previous one with the same Administration or Delegation when you go to prove your identity.
In the case of individual certificates, the holders of the certificates may request revocation.
In the case of representative certificates, they may only be requested by a person with sufficient powers of representation, under the terms set out in the Specific Certification Policies and Practices.
The FNMT -RCM will be responsible for issuing and creating lists of revoked certificates.
Given that the procedure can vary according to the certificate's issuing body, visit the website of the relevant authorised certifying body or contact their technical support service. All issuing entities have support options and services that can be accessed from their websites.