Financial year 2017
Version 1.00
Version 1.01
Certain validations collected for the financial statements of entities subject to the accounting standards of the Bank of Spain have been improved.
The total of the amounts pending addition due to the unapplied operating profit limit and corrections to the result is updated.
Version 1.02
A modification is included for character 00073, provided for in the One Hundred and Third Additional Provision of Law 6/2018, of July 3, which allows the expression of the will to allocate 0.7 percent of the total Corporate Tax rate to subsidize activities of general interest considered to be of social interest. It may be exercised by those taxpayers whose tax period ends after the entry into force of the aforementioned Law.
Version 1.03
The Tax Agency guarantees that the PADIS 2017 aid program downloaded from its website does not contain viruses. It is possible that some antivirus programs identify it as a virus at the time of download or installation. In this case, to complete the installation of the helper program, use the options provided by the antivirus itself.
Execution using the compressed file
Download the compressed ZIP file and unzip it into a folder called AEAT inside your main drive.
*(for example, "C:/AEAT" on Windows operating systems, "Applications/AEAT" on MacOSX operating systems, or "/home/user/AEAT" on Linux operating systems).
* If you do not have the "AEAT" folder, it is necessary to create it.
- From the AEAT folder, access the Companies 200-2017 folder and run the file soc200.jar