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Form 100. Personal Income Tax Return 2019

4. Completion. Preliminary questions.

  1. The capture of the data necessary to complete the declaration will necessarily done from the individual declaration of taxpayer.

    If you wish to opt for joint taxation for your family unit , the program will generate the joint return from the data entered in the individual returns. However, the following data may be completed from the joint declaration:

    • Data relating to the Representative.
    • Supplementary Declaration (with effect only on the joint declaration)
    • Tax Allocation.
    • Current account of the income or refund document
  2. The individual declaration will be generated automatically in any of the following cases:

    • Taxpayers who died in 2019 on a day other than December 31.
    • Taxpayers whose spouse is a non-resident and not a personal income tax payer.
    • You can also mark an X" if you wish to enter only your own financial data without including that of the rest of the family unit.

      In this case, the program will not perform the calculations that allow it to determine the taxation modality (individual or joint) that is most favorable to you, nor will it allow the possibility of requesting the suspension of the payment of the tax debt, in an amount equal to or less than the refund to which your spouse is entitled for this tax.

      Once this screen is confirmed, it cannot be modified later, so if you need to make any changes, you must start a new declaration.