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Form 100. Personal Income Tax Declaration 2019

7,4,1,4. Accounting and Registration Obligations

Accounting and Registration Obligations

The accounting and registration obligations of taxpayers who carry out economic activities depend on the regime or modality for determining net income:

Direct evaluation: normal mode

Direct evaluation: simplified mode

Objective estimate

Direct evaluation: normal mode

  1. Business activities with a commercial nature 

    Taxpayers who carry out business activities that have a commercial nature whose performance is determined in the normal modality of the direct estimation regime, will be required to keep accounting in accordance with the provisions of the Commercial Code.

  2. Non-commercial business activities

    When the business activity carried out does not have a commercial nature, in accordance with the Commercial Code, the taxpayer will have to keep the following record books:

    1. Sales and income record book.

    2. Book record of purchases and expenses.

    3. Capital goods record book.

    Article 326.2 and 3 of the Commercial Code provides that the sales made by the owners and farmers or ranchers of the fruits or products of their crops or livestock, or of the species in which the rents are paid, will not be considered commercial. the sales of objects built or manufactured by artisans in their workshops.

    Therefore, meeting the conditions set forth, agricultural, livestock, forestry and craft activities do not have a commercial nature.

  3. Professional activities

    Taxpayers who carry out professional activities whose performance is determined in a direct estimation regime, in any of its modalities, will be required to keep the following record books:

    1. Income record book.

    2. Expense record book.

    3. Capital goods record book.

    4. Record book of fund provisions and supplies.

Direct evaluation: simplified mode

  1. Business activities

    Taxpayers who carry out business activities (whether or not they have a commercial nature), whose performance is determined in the simplified modality of the direct estimation regime, will have to keep the following record books:

    1. Sales and income record book.

    2. Book record of purchases and expenses.

    3. Capital goods record book.

  2. Professional activities

    Taxpayers who carry out professional activities whose performance is determined in a direct estimation regime, in any of its modalities, will be required to keep the following record books:

    1. Income record book.

    2. Expense record book.

    3. Capital goods record book.

    4. Record book of fund provisions and supplies.

Objective estimate

  • Capital goods record book.

Taxpayers under the objective estimation regime who deduct depreciation will be required to keep a record book of investment assets.

  • Agricultural, livestock and forestry activities

Taxpayers who carry out agricultural, livestock or forestry activities under the objective estimation regime, whose net return is determined taking into account the volume of operations, must also keep a sales or income record book.

Option for accounting adjusted to the Commercial Code

Those taxpayers who are not obliged to keep accounting in accordance with the Commercial Code and do so voluntarily will also have to keep the record books determined in each case by the Personal Income Tax regulations.

Conservation of invoices and supporting documents

Taxpayers of the Personal Income Tax will be obliged to keep, during the maximum limitation period, the supporting documents and documents accrediting the operations, income, expenses, income, reductions and deductions of any type that must be included in their declarations. , to provide them together with the Tax declarations and communications, when so established and to display them before the competent bodies of the Tax Administration, when required for this purpose.

Obligation to keep invoices and supporting documents in an objective estimate

Taxpayers who carry out economic activities that determine their net performance through the objective estimation regime must keep, numbered in order of dates and grouped by quarters, the invoices issued in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 1619/2012 by which they are regulated. billing obligations.

Likewise, they must keep the supporting documents of the signs, indices or modules applied in accordance with what, where appropriate, is provided for by the Ministerial Order that approves them.

Entities in the income allocation system

Entities under the income attribution regime that carry out economic activities will keep a single mandatory Book corresponding to the activity carried out, without prejudice to the attribution of income that must be carried out in relation to their partners, heirs, community members or participants.