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Form 100. 2020 Personal Income Tax Return Declaration Acquisitions of fixed assets (25% deduction)

The fourth transitional provision of Law 19/1994, of July 6, provides that in the event of suppression of the general investment deduction regime, its future application in the Canary Islands, as long as an equivalent replacement system is not established, will continue to be carried out. in accordance with the regulations in force at the time of deletion.

In accordance with the interpretative criteria established by the Supreme Court in Sentence no. 605/2024, of April 10, relapsed in the contentious-administrative cassation appeal no. 1299/2022, the regulations that must be applied are those contemplated in article 26 of Law 61/1978, of December 27, on Corporate Tax, and in its Regulations, approved by Royal Decree 2631/1982, of October 15 , regulations in force at the time of its suppression, understanding that there is no equivalent replacement regime in the current LIS.

New fixed assets

25% of the amount of investments in new elements of tangible fixed assets, excluding land, used for the development of economic exploitation, that have been made available during the year, may be deducted from the full quota.

Fixed assets used

Investments may also be made in used fixed assets, which had not previously enjoyed the deduction for investments in the rest of the national territory, when they represent an evident technological improvement for the company, in the manner and with the requirements established in the Royal Decree 241/1992, of March 13 (BOE of March 14).

Deduction base

The basis of the deduction will be the acquisition price or production cost.

Investment maintenance

It will be a requirement to enjoy this deduction that the elements remain in operation in the company for five years, unless their useful life according to the amortization method, of those admitted for tax purposes, that is applied, is shorter.

Financial leasing

Investments made under a financial lease regime may benefit from this deduction, with the exception of buildings.

Fixed assets used (Royal Decree 241/1992)

For the purposes provided for in article 94.3 of Law 20/1991, of June 7, used fixed assets that belong to any of the following categories will be entitled to the investment deduction:

  1. Machinery, installations and tools.

  2. Equipment for information processing.

  3. Elements of internal and external transport, excluding vehicles that may be used by people directly or indirectly linked to the company.

Technological improvement

To be entitled to this deduction, the acquisition of the used fixed asset element must represent an evident technological improvement for the company, and this circumstance must be proven, in the event of verification or investigation of the taxpayer's tax situation, by justifying that the element object of the deduction will produce or has produced any of the following effects:

  1. Reduction in the unit production cost of the good or service.

  2. Improvement of the quality of the good or service.

Transferor Certification

The taxpayer must keep at the disposal of the Tax Administration certification issued by the transferor stating that the item object of the transfer has not previously enjoyed the deduction for investments or the Investment Provident Fund regime.