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Form 100. Personal Income Tax Return 2022

10.11.16 To alleviate damage caused by the explosion of pyrotechnic material

  1. By grant or any other public aid obtained. Amount and requirements.

    • The amount of said deduction will be the result of applying the average tax rates to the part of the general taxable base that corresponds to said subsidy or aid.

    • The deduction may only be applied when the taxpayer has integrated into the general tax base the amount corresponding to a subsidy or any other public aid obtained from the Autonomous Community of Galicia as included in Decree 55/2018, of May 31, on urgent measures for the repair of damages caused by the explosion of pyrotechnic material that occurred in Tui on May 23, 2018.

  2. For non-business investments with the aim of mitigating damages suffered that exceed the aid or subsidies received. Amount and requirements.

    • The amount of the sums invested in non-business investments for the purpose of alleviating the damages suffered, for the part that exceeds the amounts received for aid or subsidies included in Decree 55/2018, of May 31, on urgent measures for the repair of damages caused by the explosion of pyrotechnic material that occurred in Tui on May 23, 2018, or for insurance coverage.

    • In no case may the amount subject to deduction be greater than the difference between the damage suffered and the amounts received in aid or insurance coverage.


In section A) you must indicate the amount of the subsidy or aid that you have recorded as capital gains in the general tax base. If the subsidy is considered to be income from economic activities, it will indicate the part of the reduced net income that corresponds to the subsidy once its amount has been reduced by the part of the reductions that may be applicable.

If the reinvested amount exceeds the amounts received, the excess will be reflected in section B).