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Form 100. Personal Income Tax Return 2022

10.15.34. By investment in the acquisition of shares or social participations in new or recently created entities


30% of the amounts invested during the year in the subscription and payment of shares or equity interests as a result of agreements to establish or increase the capital of public limited companies, limited liability companies and employee-owned companies or voluntary or compulsory contributions made by partners to cooperative companies with a limit of 6,600 euros (6,000 euros for taxpayers who died before 28 October).

The deduction may be increased by an additional %, up to a limit of euros (9,000 euros for taxpayers who died before 28 October), when, in addition to meeting the requirements indicated below, the entities receiving the funds meet any of these conditions:

  • They must prove to be innovative small and medium-sized companies for the purposes of Royal Decree 475/2014, of June 13, on bonuses in Social Security contributions for research staff, or be owned by universities or research organizations.

  • Have your tax domicile in a municipality at risk of depopulation.

The limits of 6,600/6,000 euros and 9,900/9,000 euros are independent of each other when they apply to different investments .

In the event that the taxpayer does not have sufficient regional tax to apply all or part of this deduction in the period in which the right to its application is generated, the amount not deducted may be applied in the following three tax periods until its total amount is exhausted, if applicable.


  • The investment cannot be made in shares or interests in an entity through which the same activity is carried out that was previously carried out through another ownership.

  • The entity in which the investment is to be made must meet the following requirements:

    1. It must have its registered office and tax domicile in the Valencian Community and maintain it for three years following its incorporation or expansion.

    2. It must carry out an economic activity during the three years following its incorporation or expansion. For this purpose, its main activity does not have to be the management of movable or immovable assets.

    3. It must have, at least, one person employed with a full-time employment contract, registered in the general Social Security system for three years following its establishment or expansion.

    4. In the event that the investment was made through a capital increase or new contributions, the company must have been incorporated in the three years prior to the date of this increase, provided that, in addition, during the twenty-four months following the date of the start of the corporate tax period in which the investment was made, its average workforce increased by at least one person compared to the average workforce existing in the previous twelve months and that this increase was maintained for an additional period of twenty-four months.

      To calculate the company's total average workforce and its increase, the number of people employed will be taken into account, in accordance with the terms established by labour legislation, taking into account the contracted working hours in relation to the full working day.

    The requirements contained in numbers 3 and 4 will not be applicable to labor companies or to worker cooperative societies.

  • The operations to which the deduction is applicable must be formalized in a public deed, in which the identity of the investors and the amount of the respective investment must be specified.

  • The shares acquired must remain in the taxpayer's assets for a minimum period of three years following the incorporation or expansion.

  • The amounts of money that entitle the deduction to be applied will be paid by credit or debit card, bank transfer, personal check or deposit into accounts in credit institutions.


It will reflect the amount of the deduction generated in 2021 that is pending application due to not having had sufficient quota.

The amount invested in the financial year will be entered, as well as the NIF of the entity and, if the investment is in innovative small and medium-sized companies, the box provided for this purpose will be checked.