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Form 100. Personal Income Tax Return 2022

7,2,3,1. Interest on accounts and deposits and financial assets in general.


  1. Gross income

    This section shall include consideration, regardless of its name or nature, derived from accounts and deposits in all types of financial institutions, including those based on operations involving financial assets.

    This section will also include explicit interest obtained from any type of assets representing the raising and use of external capital.

    If the performance has been received in kind, the market value of the goods or services received must be computed as full income. The advance payment will be added to this value, unless its amount has been passed on to the recipient of the income.

    When the income comes from loans made to entities linked to the taxpayer, the valuation of the income must be carried out at market value. The interest corresponding to the excess of the amount of equity transferred to the entity with respect to the result of multiplying the equity by 3 in the part that corresponds to the taxpayer's participation in the latter will be integrated into the general tax base. The difference between the market value of these returns and the amount of the part of the return to be included in the general tax base as indicated above will be included in the taxable savings base.

    The provision of assets or rights likely to generate income from movable capital shall be presumed to be remunerated, unless proven otherwise. In the absence of proof to the contrary, the valuation of the estimated income will be carried out by applying the legal interest rate in force on the last day of the tax period, 3% for the year 2022.

  2. Withholdings

    This section will indicate the withholdings made or payments on account made on the accrued income. The amount entered will be transferred by the program to box 0597.

  3. Deductible expenses

    • Interest on accounts and deposits:

      In no case may deductible expenses be computed with respect to these earnings.

    • Financial asset interests:

      As deductible expenses, only the expenses of administration and deposit of negotiable securities will be recorded.

      For these purposes, administration and deposit expenses shall be considered to be those amounts charged by investment services companies, credit institutions or other financial institutions which, in accordance with Royal Legislative Decree 4/2015, of October 23, approving the revised text of the Securities Market Law, have the purpose of remunerating the service derived from the performance, on behalf of their holders, of the service of deposit of securities represented in the form of certificates or the administration of securities represented in account entries.

      Amounts representing consideration for discretionary and individual management of investment portfolios, where there is a disposition of investments made on behalf of the owners in accordance with the mandates conferred by them, will not be deductible.