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Form 100. Personal Income Tax Declaration 2022

Examples of completion

  1. Example

    The taxpayer is the owner of 100% of a property acquired for consideration on 01/01/2003 for 140,000 euros. The expenses and taxes paid in the acquisition are 10,000 euros.

    On 01/01/2015 he rented the property to “A” with NIF : XXX and "B" with NIF: YYY. The lease expired on June 30, 2022. The rent is 800 euros per month and the landlord has the right to a 60% reduction. The taxpayer has yet to apply 2019 repair expenses of 1,000 euros.

    The IBI receipt, which amounts to 600 euros, contains the following information: cadastral value of the construction 80,000 euros, cadastral value of the land 20,000 euros.

    Community expenses amount to 30 euros per month.

    On July 1, 2022, it enters into a new lease contract with “C” NIF: “ZZZ.” The costs of formalizing the contract are 180 euros. The rent is 900 euros per month. The taxpayer cannot benefit from the 60% reduction.


    The taxpayer will incorporate the property that has been rented and will mark the rental box as it is the only use that the property had in 2022.

    By having leases during the year with the right to reduction (Type 1) and without the right to reduction Type (2), you must register 2 leases.

    The data collection of the Lease entered into on 1/1/2015 that expires on 06/30/2022 and which will be Lease 1 of 1 is as follows:

    In the Lease Data window it will be stated:

    • Lease type: I would select Type 1

    • Total number of days in which the property was 365 (181 days from January 1 to June 30) + (184 days from July 1 to December 31)

    • Number of days of duration of this lease contract in 2022: 181 days (from January 1 to June 30). The program will transfer this information to the "Depreciation of the main property and improvements" window.

    • Contract date: 01/01/2015 and NIF of the tenant: "XXX" and "YYY" (mandatory data as it is a Type 1 contract)

    • Income: (800*6) = 4,800 euros

    • Repair and conservation expenses and interest and other financing expenses from 2018 to 2022. Amount pending deduction: 1,000 euros (remember that this box is unique per property so the program will prorate this amount among all the rentals of that property)

    • Taxes, surcharges and fees: (50*6)=300 euros of IBI

    • Community fees: (30*6)= 180 euros

    • Amortization. Without prejudice to the fact that they may be modified by the taxpayer, in this case the data will already appear completed and the program will reflect the amortization amount in the corresponding box.

      • Acquisition type: onerous

      • Purchase date: 01/01/2003

      • Number of days of duration of the lease contract in 2022: 181 days (from January 1 to June 30)

      • Cadastral value: 100,000 euros

      • Cadastral value of the construction: 80.00 euros

      • Acquisition amount: 140,000 euros

      • Expenses and taxes inherent to construction: 10,000 euros

    The data collection of the Lease concluded on 7/1/2022 will be as follows:

    You will click “Register Lease” to reflect all the data related to that contract. The program will tell you that it is Lease 2 of 2.

    • Lease type: Type 2 would be selected

    • Total number of days in which the property was leased in 2022 (the program will transfer the data collected in the other lease) 365 days (181 days from January 1 to June 30 and 184 days from July 1 to December 31)

    • Number of days of duration of this lease contract in 2022: 184 days (from July 1 to December 31). The program transfers this information to the "Depreciation of the main property and improvements" window.

    • Contract date and NIF of the lessee. As it is a Type 2 lease, it is not necessary to complete it and the box will appear closed

    • Tenant's NIF: For Type 2 leases, it is not necessary to complete it and the box will appear closed

    • Income: (900*6) = 5,400 euros

    • Repair and conservation expenses and interest and other financing expenses from 2018 to 2022. Amount pending deduction: It is calculated by the program (as there is only one box per property, the program will prorate the amount of the 1,000 euros pending among all the leases of that property)

    • Taxes, surcharges and fees: (50*6)=300 euros of IBI

    • Community fees: (30*6)= 180 euros

    • Contract formalization expenses: 180 euros

    • Amortization. Without prejudice to the fact that they may be modified by the taxpayer, in this case the data will already appear completed and the program will reflect the amortization amount in the corresponding box.

      • Acquisition type: onerous

      • Purchase date: 01/01/2003

      • Number of days of duration of the lease contract in 2022: 184 days

      • Cadastral value: 100,000 euros

      • Cadastral value of the construction: 80.00 euros

      • Acquisition amount: 140,000 euros

      • Expenses and taxes inherent to construction 10,000 euros

  2. Example

    The taxpayer is the 100% owner of a house acquired for consideration on 12/01/2022 for 120,000 euros. The expenses and taxes paid in the acquisition are 6,000 euros. During 2022 he rented the house to:

    Tenant "A" 15 days

    Tenant "B" 7 days

    Tenant "C" 4 days

    The tenant "D" 5 days

    The rental price is 80 euros per day. The amount of the insurance premium is 840 euros per year. The IBI receipt amounts to 900 euros per year. The cadastral value of the construction is 80,000 euros and that of the land is 20,000 euros.

    The taxpayer will incorporate the property that has been rented and will mark the rental box as it is the only use that the property had in 2022. In this case, it is not necessary to register a lease for each of the times that the property was rented.

    In the Lease Type window it will be stated:

    • Lease type: Type 2 would be selected
    • Total number of days in which the property was rented: 31(15+7+4+5)

    • Number of days of duration of this lease contract in 2022: 31 days. The program transfers this information to the "Depreciation of the main property and improvements" window.

    • Contract date and NIF of the lessee. As they are Type 2 leases, they do not need to be completed and the boxes will appear closed.

    • Income: (15+7+4+5)*80= 2,480

    • Insurance premium: 840* (31/365)= 71.34

    • Taxes, surcharges and fees: 900 *(31/365)=76.44

    • Amortization. Without prejudice to the fact that they may be modified by the taxpayer, in this case the data will already appear completed and the program will reflect the amortization amount in the corresponding box.

      • Acquisition type: onerous

      • Purchase date: 12/01/2022

      • Number of days of duration of the lease contract in 2022: 31 days

      • Cadastral value: 100,000 euros

      • Cadastral value of the construction: 80.00 euros

      • Acquisition amount: 120,000 euros

      • Expenses and taxes inherent to construction 6,000 euros