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Form 100. Personal Income Tax Declaration 2022

7,4,1,3. Temporary attribution

Taxpayers who carry out economic activities will apply to the income derived from said activities, exclusively, the temporary imputation criteria provided for in the Corporate Tax Law and its implementing regulations.

  • As a general rule, income will be allocated in the tax period in which it accrues, regardless of the time of collection, understood to be accrued when the goods are made available or the provision of services.

    Expenses are accrued when the goods are made available or the service is provided, depending on the nature of the expense, regardless of the time of payment.

  • Criterion for temporary imputation of collections and payments: taxpayers who carry out economic activities who are not fiscally required to keep their accounting in accordance with the provisions of the Commercial Code, and fulfill their accounting obligations and registry by keeping the fiscal record books provided for in each case, they may opt for the criteria of collections and payments to temporarily allocate the income and expenses of all their economic activities.

    Said criterion will be deemed approved by the Tax Administration simply by stating it in the corresponding declaration, and must be maintained for a minimum period of three years.

    The option for the criterion indicated in this section will lose its effectiveness if, after said option, the taxpayer becomes fiscally obliged to keep its accounting in accordance with the provisions of the Commercial Code or chooses to keep its accounting in this way.

    In no case will changes in the temporal imputation criteria or in the regime for determining net income result in any expense or income not being computed or being imputed again in another year.

  • Income from installment operations: The income will be understood to be obtained proportionally as the corresponding charges become payable, unless the taxpayer decides to allocate them at the time of the birth of the right.

  • From January 1, 2020 public aid for the first installation of young farmers provided for in the National Rural Development Framework of Spain may be allocated in quarters, in the tax period in which are obtained and in the next three.

  • In the case of income from professional activities derived from the assignment of the exploitation of copyrights that accrue over several years, the taxpayer may choose to allocate the advance on account of the same as the rights accrue.