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Form 100. Personal Income Tax Declaration 2022

Corrective indices and reductions

  1. Corrective indices

    The program calculates and applies, based on the data recorded in the "additional information" the corrective indices that are appropriate according to the characteristics of the activity carried out.

  2. General reduction

    This 25% reduction will be calculated by the program.

    The net yield of modules, thus calculated, will be taken into account for the application, where appropriate, of the reduction of Law 19/1995, of July 4, on the Modernization of Agricultural Farms (young farmers).

  3. Reduction by young farmers

    For the program to apply this reduction you should have completed YES in the box " 1 Priority exploitation installation" of the "additional information"

  4. Extraordinary expenses due to exceptional circumstances

    You may record the amount of expenses in order to reduce the net performance when the development of the activity is affected by fires, floods, sinkholes or other exceptional circumstances that determine extraordinary expenses outside the normal process of the exercise of the activity, provided that they are met. certain conditions.

  5. Reduction for income generated in more than two years or obtained in a notoriously irregular manner

    Net income with a generation period greater than two years, as well as those qualified by regulation as obtained in a notoriously irregular manner over time, when both are attributed to a single tax period, will be reduced by 30%.

    Normally the reduction must be recorded without any sign. However, when the reduction affects a negative net return, it will be entered preceded by the sign (-).

  6. Reduction for the exercise of certain economic activities

    Taxpayers with non-exempt income of less than 12,000 euros, including those from the economic activity itself, may reduce the net income from economic activities by the following amounts:

    • Taxpayers with non-exempt income equal to or less than 8,000 euros per year: 1,620 euros annually.

    • Taxpayers with non-exempt income between 8,000.01 and 12,000 euros per year: 1,620 euros – [0.405 x (Income – 8,000 euros)]

    This reduction is limited to the amount of income from the taxpayers' economic activities that generate the right to its application.

    This reduction is unique for all economic activities carried out, regardless of the method by which the net income is determined, so if several are carried out, the amount will have to be distributed proportionally among all of them.