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Form 100. Personal Income Tax Return 2022 Reduction for young and activity-based farmers in La Palma

  1. In accordance with article 20 of Law 19/1995, of July 4, on the Modernization of Agricultural Holdings (BOE of July 5), young farmers (over 18 and under 40 years of age) or agricultural employees may reduce the net yield of modules by 25% in the tax periods closed during the five years following the first installation as owners of a priority holding, provided that they also prove the implementation of a plan to improve the holding.

    The qualification as a priority farm must be accredited by means of a certificate issued by the competent body of the Autonomous Community, or through inclusion in the General Catalogue of Priority Farms of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.

  2. Taxpayers who carry out economic activities on the Island of La Palma may reduce the net income from modules corresponding to such activities by 20%.

These reductions will be applied to the net module performance resulting after applying the general reduction.