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Form 100. Personal Income Tax Declaration 2022

8.10.1. Supplementary tax return

Errors or omissions in declarations already submitted that have led to the realization of a lower income than would have legally corresponded or the receipt of a refund greater than that which was appropriate, must be regularized by the presentation of a declaration-settlement complementary to the one originally presented.

Those unexpected situations or circumstances that cause the loss of the right to a reduction or exemption already applied in a previous declaration must also be regularized through the presentation of complementary declarations-settlements.

However, the loss of the right to certain deductions must be regularized in the declaration of the year in which the non-compliance with any of the requirements required for the consolidation of the right to said deductions occurred.

  1. Complementary statements without penalty, interest or surcharge
  2. Supplementary declarations including late payment interest
  3. Completion