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Form 100. Personal Income Tax Declaration 2022

8.10.2. Rectification request

If you improperly declared any income exempt from Tax, computed income for an amount greater than the amount due, forgot to deduct any fiscally admissible expense or omitted any deduction to which you were entitled and, consequently, you consider that damage has occurred to your legitimate interests, you may file a claim. the rectification of the self-assessment.

The program allows you to submit the rectification request using the option enabled in the Web Income by checking box 127.

Once this box is checked, the declaration will have all the effects of a self-assessment rectification request.


You will have to modify the return filed; To do this, you must incorporate the data that you have not entered, modify the erroneous ones and maintain the data entered in the original declaration that are correct.

If the rectification request is for a joint declaration you must make the necessary modifications in each of the individual declarations, then mark the rectification request in the joint declaration and submit the latter.

Additionally, you must check box 127 on page 3 of the declaration in the "Request for rectification of self-assessment" section and complete the data corresponding to the regularization.

For this purpose, the result to be entered from previous self-assessments or administrative settlements corresponding to this year or the amount of refunds requested as a result of the processing of previous self-assessments for this year will be indicated. The self-assessment receipt number whose rectification is requested must also be stated in the box.

The calculations are carried out by the program.

By clicking on the "More info" icon, a window opens in which the result of the self-assessment rectification request and the account number in which you request the return to be made will be displayed. .