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Form 100. Personal Income Tax Declaration 2023

10.14.13. For supply of electricity and gas for domestic use for young people


  • Young people who sign an electricity or gas supply contract for their habitual residence during the year may deduct 15% of the annual expenses invoiced and paid to the supply companies.

  • The percentage will be 20% for those young taxpayers who have their habitual residence in a municipality listed below.

  • The percentage will be 25% for young taxpayers who constitute single-parent family units.

Requirements and conditions

  • A taxpayer who has not turned 36 at the end of the tax period will be considered young.

  • The taxpayer must have the habitual residence under ownership or lease. The concept of habitual residence, period of occupancy and requirements for permanence in it, among others, will be those regulated in the Personal Income Tax Law

  • The taxpayer must sign a gas or electricity supply contract for his or her habitual residence during the year. The simple change of ownership of the contract or rate modality is not valid.

  • The supply contract must be signed at least 6 months in advance of the tax accrual date (normally December 31) and must be maintained at least until said date.

  • The owners of the contracts and the home may not be linked to an economic activity. None of the holders of the electricity and gas supply contracts for domestic use may apply the deduction when any of them carry out an economic activity in the home, even if it is also their habitual residence.

  • The contract must be in the name of the taxpayer with the right to deduction.

  • In the event that more than one taxpayer with the right to deduction lives in the same habitual residence, it will be prorated among all of them.

  • This deduction may be applied only once per home and per taxpayer.

  • The general taxable base subject to tax does not exceed 18,030 euros in individual taxation or 30,050 euros in joint taxation, provided that the taxable base of savings subject to taxation does not exceed 1,800 euros.


Depending on your situation, it will reflect the amounts paid with the right to deduction in one of the boxes enabled in the program.

Additionally, if applicable, it will indicate the municipality code.

List of small municipalities of La Rioja

12. Abalos.

33. Aguilar del Río Alhama.

48. Ajamil de Cameros.

70. Alcanadre.

99. Alesanco.

103. Aleson.

125. Almarza de Cameros.

131. Anguiana.

146. Anguiano.

159. Arenzana de Abajo.

162. Arenzana de Arriba.

178. Arnedillo.

197. Arrubal.


223. Sulfur

239. Badaran.

244. Baths.

257. Rioja Baths.

276. Berceo.

282. Bergasa.

295. Lower Bergasillas.

309. Bezares.

316. Bobadilla.

321. Brieva de Cameros.

337. Briñas.

342. Briones.

355. Cabezón de Cameros.

374. Camprovín.

380. Sierra Channels.

393. Riio one-eyed quills.

407. White hair.

414. Cardenas.

435. Chestnut groves of Rioja.

440. Castroviejo.

453. Cellorigo.

488. Cidamon.

491. Cihuri.

504. Cirueña.

511. Peg.

526. Cordovin.

532. Corera.

547. Cornago.

550. Corporal.

563. Cuzcurrita from Río Tirón.

579. Daroca from Rioja.

585. Enciso.

602. Estollo

624. Foncea.

630. Fonzaleche.

658. Galbarruli.

661. Galilee.

677.Cameros Chicken Coop.

683. Gimileo.

696. Groat.

700. Tax them.

722. Herce.

738. Herramélluri.

743. You boiled.

756. Hormilla.

769. Hormilleja.

775. Cameros stoves.

781. Moncalvillo ovens.

794. Orchards

808. Igea.

815. Cameros pull.

820. Cameros Lagoon.

836. Jubera Lagoon.

867. Ledesma de la Cogolla.

873. Leiva.

889. Leza of the Leza River.

913. Louvres.

928. Manjarrés.

934. Mansilla de la Sierra.

949. Rioja apple orchards.

952. Matute.

965. Medrano.

987. Munilla.

1004. Water Wall.

1011. Wall in Cameros.

1032. Nalda.

1047. Navajun.

1063. Nestares.

1079. It snows in Cameros.

1098. Ochánduri.

1085. Or with.

1102. Ojacastro.

1119. Ollauri.

1124. Cameros nettle.

1130. Pazuengos.

1145. Pedroso.

1158. Pinillos.

1183. Pradillo.

1196. Prejano.

1217. Rabanera.

1222. Rasillo de Cameros (El)

1238. Redal (The)

1269. Robres del Castillo.

1275. Rodezno.

1281. Sajazarra.

1308. San Millán de la Cogolla.

1315. San Millán de Yécora.

1320. San Román de Cameros.

1341. Santa Coloma.

1354. Santa Engracia del Jubera.

1367. Saint Eulalia Bajora.

1392. Saint Torquatus.

1406. Santurde de Rioja.

1413. Santurdejo.

1434. Sojuela.

1449. Sorzano.

1452. Sotes.

1465. Soto in Cameros.

1471. Terroba.

1487. Tirgo.

1490. Tobia.

1503. Tormantos.

1510. Torrecilla in Cameros.

1525. Tower over Alesanco

1531. Tower in Cameros.

1546. Torremontalbo.

1559. Treviana.

1578. Tritius.

1584. Tudelilla.

1601. Uruñuela.

1618. Valdemadera.

1623. Valgañón.

1639. Sucker.

1644. Ventrose.

1657. Viguera.

1660. Villalba de Rioja.

1676. Villalobar de Rioja.

1695. Villanueva de Cameros.

1709. Villar de Arnedo (El).

1716. Villar de Torre.

1721. Villarejo.

1737. Villarroya.

1742. Villarta-Quintana.

1755. Villavelayo.

1768. Villaverde de Rioja.

1774. Villoslada de Cameros.

1780. Viniegra from Below.

1793. Viniegra from Above.

1807. Zarratón.

1814. Brambleberry.

1835. Zorraquín.