10.3.20. For emancipation of young people up to 35 years of age
Taxpayers up to 35 years of age who become independent during the tax year may apply a deduction of up to €1,000.
In the case of a joint declaration, a deduction of up to 1,000 euros may be applied for each of the taxpayers who meet the conditions set out in the regulation.
Requirements and conditions
The taxable base cannot exceed 35,000 euros for individual taxation or 45,000 euros for joint taxation.
The deduction may be applied in the year in which the person turns 36, provided that the emancipation and the expenses occurred prior to reaching the aforementioned age.
The deduction may be applied only once in the year in which the first emancipation takes place.
Emancipation will be deemed to take place in the year in which the taxpayer stops living with his or her ancestors and moves his or her domicile to a new habitual residence located in the Principality of Asturias, which he or she will occupy under a property or lease regime. The right to deduction will be lost if the taxpayer returns to the family home before three years have elapsed.
Expenses that generate the right to deduction are expenses directly linked to emancipation, for example: expenses for the acquisition of furniture, transportation, renting or purchasing a home, etc.
Documentary evidence of expenses that generate the right to deduction must be provided by means of an invoice or any other means of legal or economic transactions permitted by law.
The amount paid will be recorded with the right to deduction.