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Form 100. Personal Income Tax Declaration 2023

10.5.6. For cash donations to descendants or adoptees under 35 years of age for the acquisition or rehabilitation of their first habitual residence


For donations of amounts to descendants for the acquisition, construction or rehabilitation of their first habitual residence, the following deductions are established:

  1. Taxpayers with habitual residence in the Canary Islands who make a cash donation to their descendants or adoptees under 35 years of age for the acquisition or rehabilitation of the donee's first habitual residence in the Canary Islands, may deduct 1% of the amount of the amount donated, with a limit of 240 euros for each donee.

  2. When the donations are intended for descendants or adoptees under 35 years of age with a degree of disability equal to or greater than 33%, the deduction will be 2% of the amount of the amount donated, with the limit of 480 euros for each donee.

  3. When the donations are intended for descendants or adoptees under 35 years of age with a degree of disability equal to or greater than 65%, the deduction will be 3% with a limit of 720 euros.

For these purposes, the rehabilitation must meet the conditions established by regulation.

For the purposes of this deduction, the following comparisons are established:

  • People subject to permanent or pre-adoptive foster care will be treated as adoptees.

  • People who enter into permanent or pre-adoptive family foster care will be equated to adopters.

Requirements and conditions

  1. To apply the deduction, the requirements set out in the Inheritance and Donation Tax must be met for the reduction of the tax base corresponding to the donation of amounts in cash for the acquisition or rehabilitation of the habitual residence in the Canary Islands.

  2. The habitual residence will be considered to be the one that, for these purposes, is understood in the personal income tax regulations, with the construction of the same being equated to the acquisition, but not its extension.


Through a data capture window you must indicate, for each descendant, the amount donated and, additionally, when the donations are intended for descendants or adoptees with disabilities, you will select the degree of disability.