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Form 100. Personal Income Tax Declaration 2023

10.5.9. For daycare expenses


18% of the amounts paid in the tax period for daycare expenses for children under 3 years of age , with a maximum of 480 euros per year for each child.

Requirements and conditions

  • The taxpayer must be the parent or guardian with whom children under 3 years of age live. Descendants are considered to be those persons linked to the taxpayer by reason of guardianship or unpaid foster care, in the terms provided for in current legislation.

  • Taxpayers must not obtain income of more than 42,900 euros in the tax period.

    In the case of joint taxation, this requirement will be deemed met if the income of the family unit does not exceed 57,200 euros.

  • Day care will be understood as any center authorized by the competent Department of the Government of the Canary Islands for the custody of children under three years of age.

  • When two or more taxpayers have the right to the deduction and do not opt, or cannot opt for joint taxation, their amount will be prorated between them in equal parts.

  • The deduction and its limit in the tax period in which the child turns 3 years old will be calculated proportionally to the number of months in which the requirements for the application of the deduction are met.

  • The childcare expense must be justified with the invoice corresponding to that expense, which must meet all the conditions established in the Regulations that regulate billing obligations.


For each child for whom you have the right to the deduction, enter:

  • When the child has turned 3 years old in the fiscal year, the number of months in which he or she was under three years old.

  • The amount of expenses paid during the period in which you are entitled to the deduction.

  • The number of people entitled to apply the deduction: "1" when only the selected owner can apply it; "2" when two people can apply it, etc.