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Form 100. Personal Income Tax Declaration 2023

7,4,2,2. Full income

All income derived from the exercise of the activity that may come from:

  1. Operating income

    Operating income constitutes the amount of consideration obtained from the sale of goods and the provision of services that constitute the object of the activity, including those from services ancillary to the main activity.

  2. Financial income derived from the postponement or fractionation of operations carried out in the development of the activity.

    The consideration obtained by the taxpayer for the deferral or fractionation of the price of operations carried out in the development of their usual economic activity.

  3. Income from current subsidies

    They are those granted, in general, to ensure a minimum profitability or compensate for losses caused in the activity. They are charged as income, in general, in the period in which they accrue, that is, when the subsidy is firmly recognized and quantified.

  4. Imputation of income from capital grants.

    They are those granted to favor the establishment of the activity, the realization of investments in fixed assets or the realization of multi-year projection expenses. They are allocated as income in proportion to the depreciation experienced in the year (amortization) for the assets or expenses financed with said subsidies.

    In the case of non-depreciable assets, the subsidy will be attributed to the result of the year in which the disposal or derecognition of the inventory occurs, with application of the 30% reduction as they are considered as income obtained in a notoriously irregular manner over time. .

  5. Self-consumption of goods and services

    The normal market value of the goods and services that are the subject of the activity that the taxpayer assigns or lends to third parties free of charge or are intended for own use or consumption will be included as income. Likewise, when there is consideration and it is significantly lower than the normal market value of the goods and services, the latter will be taken into account.

  6. VAT accrued

    Income should not include the amount of VAT charged, unless the activity carried out is, for example, in the Special Regime of the Equivalence Surcharge or in the Special Regime for Agriculture, Livestock and Fishing.

  7. Variation of existences

    The variation in inventories is the difference between the initial inventories and the final inventories so that when the inventory valuation at the beginning of the year is lower than at the end of the year, said difference must be reflected as income.

  8. Other income

    The following concepts will be included in this heading, among others:

    1. Work done for the company itself

      Without prejudice to its calculation as an expense according to its nature, at the end of the year the production cost of the fixed assets manufactured or constructed by the company itself will be considered as counterpart income.

    2. Surpluses and applications of provisions

      Excesses and applications of provisions and losses due to impairment will be recorded as income.

    3. Other management revenue

      Such as, for example, compensation for mediation services performed accidentally, or for the eventual provision of certain services (transport, repairs, advice, reports...), or income for services to personnel.

    4. Compensation received from insurance entities

      Compensation received from insurance entities for incidents that have affected farm products (stocks of merchandise, raw materials, containers, packaging, etc.).

  9. T transfer of assets that have enjoyed freedom of amortization: excess of deducted amortization with respect to deductible amortization (Thirtieth Additional Provision LIRPF)

    If assets that have enjoyed the freedom of amortization provided for in the eleventh Additional Provision of the consolidated text of the LIS have been transferred during the year, for the calculation of the capital gain or loss the acquisition value will not be reduced by the amount of the tax-deductible amortizations that exceed those that would have been tax deductible if the freedom of amortization had not been applied. The aforementioned excess will be considered, for the transferor, as full performance of the economic activity in the tax period in which the transfer is made.