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Form 100. Personal Income Tax Declaration 2023

Contributions to social security systems attributed to employed personnel

They will include among others:

  • Contributions made by the employer as promoter of a Pension Plan as well as those made to corporate social security plans in which his employees are participants or insured, provided that they are attributed to each participant or insured in the corresponding part, unless of those carried out in favor of beneficiaries in an extraordinary manner to guarantee ongoing benefits, as a consequence of a deficit in the pension plan.

  • Contributions made to cover contingencies similar to those of pension plans provided that a series of requirements are met:

    1. Charged for tax purposes to the persons to whom the benefits are linked.

    2. That the payer irrevocably transmits the right to receive future benefits.

    3. That the payer transmits the ownership and management of the resources of which said contributions consist.

The allocations to provisions and internal funds to cover contingencies identical or analogous to pension plans do not constitute deductible expenses for the year in which they are allocated; they may only be deducted in the year in which, due to the occurrence of the covered contingency, the benefits are paid. .