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Form 100. Personal Income Tax Declaration 2023 Completion

A data capture window will open in which you must indicate the following data: 

  • NIF of the disabled owner of the protected assets to which the contributions have been made.

  • Excesses pending reduction from the years 2019 to 2022.

    Taxpayers who have requested in said declarations to be able to reduce the excess in the following four years, will record in this box the amount that, pending application for this concept, should be applied in the declaration for the 2023 financial year.

  • Contributions made in 2023 to the protected assets of the person with disabilities.

  • Set of contributions, and excesses pending reduction, of all contributors to the same protected assets, with the right to be reduced in the year 2023, when they exceed 24,250 euros per year. 

  • To correctly complete this last section, you must take into account the following examples:

    1. Two taxpayers make contributions to their son's protected assets, for 15,000 euros each. The box must not be completed because the total amount entitled to be reduced in the year, 20,000 euros (10,000 euros per taxpayer) is less than 24,250 euros.

    2. Three taxpayers make contributions to the protected assets of a family member. Each of them contributes 15,000 euros. Yes, this box must be completed because the total amount entitled to be reduced, 30,000 euros (10,000 euros per taxpayer), is greater than 24,250 euros. The amount of 30,000 euros must be put in the box.

By clicking on the "More info" icon, a window opens in which the unreduced excesses corresponding to the years 2019 to 2022 will be displayed.

For each fiscal year, information will be shown regarding the amounts pending reduction at the beginning of the period, those applied in the fiscal year and the amounts pending to be applied in future fiscal years.