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Form 100. Personal Income Tax Declaration 2023

9.1.3. Installation or adaptation works of the habitual residence of the person with a disability

The deduction will only be applicable when amounts for this concept have been paid prior to January 1, 2013, provided that, in addition, the works are completed before January 1, 2017.

In the case of works to modify the common elements of the building that serve as a necessary passage between the urban property and the public road, as well as those necessary for the application of electronic devices that serve to overcome sensory communication barriers or promote its safety, Taxpayers who are co-owners of the property in which the home is located may also apply this deduction.

  • The maximum base of this deduction will be 12,080 euros per year

    The base will consist of the amounts paid for the execution of the works and installations to adapt the habitual residence, including the expenses incurred that have been borne by the taxpayer with a disability and, in the case of external financing, the amortization, interest , the cost of variable interest rate risk hedging instruments for mortgage loans regulated in article nineteenth of Law 36/2003, of November 11, on economic reform measures, and other expenses derived therefrom.

    In the event of application of the aforementioned hedging instruments, the interest paid by the taxpayer will be reduced by the amounts obtained by the application of the aforementioned instrument.

    This limit operates independently of the maximum base applicable to the deduction for the acquisition or rehabilitation of the primary residence.

  • The deduction percentage applicable to the deduction base will in any case be 10% in the state part, and 10% in the regional part, that is, 20%. In the Autonomous Community of Catalonia, the percentage applicable in the autonomous section of the deduction will be 15%.

  • Works and installations to adapt the habitual residence of people with disabilities are understood to be those that imply a reform of the interior of the same, as well as modification of the common elements of the building that serve as a necessary passage between the urban property and the public roads, such as stairs, elevators, hallways, portals or any other architectural element, or those necessary for the application of electronic devices that serve to overcome sensory communication barriers or promote safety.

    The adaptation works and installations that must be carried out in the taxpayer's habitual residence will give the right to the deduction, due to the disability of the taxpayer himself, his spouse, or a relative in a direct or collateral line, by blood or by affinity up to the third grade, including who lives with him.

    The home must be occupied by any of these people as owner, tenant, subtenant or usufructuary.

    The adaptation works and facilities must be certified by the competent Administration as necessary for accessibility and sensory communication that facilitates the dignified and adequate development of people with disabilities.

    Accreditation before the Tax Administration will be carried out by means of a certificate or resolution issued by the Institute of Migration and Social Services or the competent body of the Autonomous Communities in matters of assessment of disabilities, based on the opinion issued by the Assessment and Orientation Teams dependent on the same.