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Form 200. Corporate Income Tax Declaration 2018

4.2.59 Keys 01320 and 01321 temporary union of companies, adjustments of Art. 45.1 LIS

Article 45.1 of the LIS establishes that temporary business associations regulated by Law 18/1982, of May 26, on the tax regime of groups and temporary business associations and regional industrial development companies, and registered in the special registry of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations, as well as their member companies, will be taxed in accordance with the provisions of article 43 of this Law, except in relation to the valuation rule established in the second paragraph of section 4 of the aforementioned article.

For these purposes, when the reporting entity holds the economic rights inherent to the quality of partner of a temporary joint venture of companies, subject to the special regime regulated in Chapter II of Title VII of the LIS, it will be recorded in the codes [01320] and [ 01321] all the adjustments that correspond to the imputations of article 43 of the LIS, when the same is carried out on the date of end of the tax period of the UTE . Likewise, where applicable, and without the possibility of offsetting the amount of the imputed tax base, the cancellation of the amount included in the accounting result of the member entity from its participation in the UTE will be included.