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Form 200. Corporate Income Tax Declaration 2018

4.2.87 Codes 00409 and 00410 entities under the income attribution regime incorporated abroad with presence in Spanish territory (Art. 38 TRLIRNR)

Law 46/2002, of December 18, of partial reform of the Personal Income Tax and which modifies the Laws of Corporate Taxes and Non-Resident Income Taxes included among the taxpayers of the latter tax on entities under the regime of attribution of income incorporated abroad, distinguishing between those that have a presence in Spanish territory and those that do not, depending on whether or not they carry out economic activities in Spain. For there to be a presence in Spanish territory, it is necessary that all or part of the economic activities be carried out, on a continuous or habitual basis, through facilities or workplaces of any kind, or act there through an agent authorized to contract, in name and on behalf of the entity.

Article 38 of the Non-Resident Income Tax Law contains the tax rules for these entities with a presence in Spanish territory. In particular, its tax base will be constituted by the part of the income that is attributable to the non-resident members of the entity, regardless of the place of obtaining it, and must be determined in accordance with the provisions of article 89 of the Law of the Personal Income Tax.

The keys [00409] and [00410] will be used by these entities to make increases to the result of the profit and loss account (key [00409]) and decreases to it (key [410]) that arise from the application of their specific tax rules.