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Form 200. Corporate Income Tax Declaration 2018 ZEC Entities

Code 00559 Entities of the Canarian Special Zone. Tax base at special tax rate

This key will be completed exclusively by the entities covered by the Canary Islands Special Zone regime (ZEC entities) that are not excluded from its application (as indicated in the following two paragraphs), and it will contain that part of the base taxable amount to which the special tax rate must be applied (explained in code [00558]) for the operations that entities materially and effectively carry out in the geographical scope of the ZEC, following, for the purposes of its determination, the rules established in article 44 of Law 19/1994 modifying the Economic and Fiscal Regime of the Canary Islands.

This tax regime will not be applicable to ZEC entities in the tax periods in which the circumstances of incompatibility between State aid included in the twelfth Additional Provision of Law 19/1994 occur.