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Form 200. Corporate Income Tax Declaration 2018

8.2.8 Special reinvestment plans

When it is proven that, due to its technical characteristics, the investment or its entry into operation must necessarily be carried out within a period longer than that indicated above, taxpayers may present special reinvestment plans.

The requirements for applications for these special plans and the procedure for their authorization are those established in articles 39 and 40 of the old Tax Regulations, approved by Royal Decree 1777/2004, of July 30.


As established in the seventh section of the twenty-fourth transitional provision of the LIS , the limit established in article 39 of the LIS will also apply to the deduction for reinvestment of extraordinary profits regulated in article 42 of RDLeg . 4/2004 as worded in force in tax periods beginning before January 1, 2015, said deduction being computed for the purposes of calculating the aforementioned limit.

In the case of entities that have pending deductions for internal double taxation arising from the application of article 30 of RDLeg. 4/2004, as worded in force in tax periods beginning before January 1, 2015, the limit established in the last paragraph of article 39.1 of the LIS will be applied to the full amount reduced by the deductions to avoid internal and international double taxation and the applied bonuses.