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Form 200. Corporate Income Tax Declaration 2018 2003: Add deductions Ch. IV Title VI Law 43/95

The outstanding balances corresponding to deductions intended for environmental protection, job creation for workers with disabilities, expenses in scientific research and technological innovation, investments in information and communication technologies, support measures for the transport sector, film productions, protection of Spanish historical heritage and world heritage assets, export companies, vocational training expenses, book publishing, business contributions to pension plans, investments and first cycle expenses for early childhood education, as well as deductions in force in 2003 related to declared events of exceptional public interest, in accordance with the provisions of the First Section of Article 27.3 of Law 49/2002, generated in the 2003 tax period and which, due to insufficient quota, could not be applied in the settlement of that period.

Likewise, the pending balances corresponding to the deductions generated in previous years and which, due to deferral, in the 2003 tax period began the calculation of the period for their application, are included.