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Form 200. Corporate Income Tax Declaration 2018

9.3.1 Section “Limitation on the deductibility of financial expenses. Art. 16 LIS (excluding those referred to in art. 15 g), h) and j) LIS)”

This section details in keys [01240] to [01259] the different concepts classified in letters a) to am) that the entity must complete where appropriate, in application of the different rules on the limitation on the deductibility of financial expenses established in article 16 of the LIS .

All these concepts, which in certain cases involve performing arithmetic operations, are divided in this section into two blocks: one, which corresponds to the application of the additional limit established for financial expenses derived from debts intended for the acquisition of shares in the capital or equity of any type of entities established in articles 16.5 and/or 83 of the LIS (codes [01240] to [01244]); and another, which refers to the application of the limit established for net financial expenses regulated in article 16.1 and 2 of the LIS (codes [01245] to [01259]).

If the net deductible financial expenses in the period (generated in the period itself and in previous periods applied) are less than 30% of [i1+i2+i3+i4+i5], and €1,000,000 the amount to be entered in key [01249] is 30% of [abcd + e] and if they are greater than €1,000,000 the amount to be entered in key [01249] is the greater of 30% of [i1+i2+i3+i4+i5] or €1,000,000.

The limit of €1,000,000 must be prorated, where applicable, based on the number of days in the tax period with respect to the year.

Regarding key [01248], if the financial income of the tax period derived from the transfer of own capital (key [01247]) is higher than the financial expenses of the tax period excluding those referred to in article 15 g), h), and j) of the LIS, the financial expenses of the tax period not affected by article 16.5 and 83 of the LIS, the financial expenses of the tax period derived from debts for the acquisition of shares affected by articles 16.5 and 83 of the LIS and the net financial expenses of the period not deductible by application of the limit of articles 16.5 and 83 of the LIS (keys [01246], [01245], [01240] and [01243], respectively), the amount to be entered in key [01248] is zero.