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Form 200. Corporate Income Tax Declaration 2018 Completion of the table for calculating the tax base resulting from the application of the regime

The main figures relating to the Special Regime for Shipping Entities based on tonnage will be recorded in this section on page 21.

In key [N1] the number of vessels to which the special regime applies shall be recorded, in accordance with the provisions of article 113 of the Corporate Tax Law.

In code [00630] the part of the taxable base that corresponds to the operation or ownership of the vessels to which the regime applies will be recorded, obtained by applying the scale included above (established in section 1 of article 114 of the Corporate Tax Law) to each of said vessels.

In key [00631] the corresponding amount of income generated from the transfer of vessels whose ownership was already held by the taxpayer when he/she accessed the special regime, or from used vessels acquired once the application of the same is appropriate, will be recorded. This amount will be determined according to the procedure indicated for these cases and established in section 2 of article 114 of the Corporate Tax Law.

If the amount of income mentioned in the previous paragraph requires compensation of negative tax bases, the amount to be compensated will be recorded in key [00632]

In key [00579] the sum of keys [00630] and [00631] will be recorded, the latter reduced by the compensation of negative bases that is appropriate.

[00579] = [00630] + ([00631] - [00632])

The result of this operation (key [00579]) will be transferred to page 13 of the model.

In the event that negative tax bases from previous periods are offset against the portion of the tax base corresponding to income derived from the transfer of vessels subject to the regime, generated in periods in which such vessels were not included in the regime (section 2 of article 114 of the Corporate Tax Law), the following must be taken into account:

The negative bases that are offset will be recorded in key [00632] on page 21. The offset amount cannot be higher than that of key [00631] on the same page.

Since, on the other hand, all the negative tax bases from previous tax periods to be offset are detailed on page 15, the total amount to be offset on this page, recorded in key [00547] will be transferred to the same key on page 13 decreasing its amount in the amount recorded in key [00632] on page 21 .