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Form 200. Corporate Income Tax Declaration 2019

4.2.67 Codes 00383 and 00384 hydrocarbons: amortization of intangible investments and research expenses (Article 99 LIS)

Regarding the tax regime for the research and exploitation of hydrocarbons regulated in chapter IX of title VII of the LIS , in accordance with the provisions of section 1 of article 99 of the LIS, the Intangible assets and expenses of a research nature incurred in urgent, expired or extinguished permits and concessions will be considered intangible assets from the moment of their realization and may be amortized with a maximum annual fee of 50 percent, and there will not be a period for them. maximum amortization.

The entities covered by the aforementioned regime must enter in code [00384] (decreases) the excess of tax amortization that, over the accounting amortization, they have applied in the tax period being declared in relation to the intangible investments and research expenses referred to in the previous paragraph. And in the key [00383] (increases) they must enter the amount of the amortization of said investments and expenses recorded in the tax period subject to declaration whose tax deductibility has been applied in previous tax periods and in which the corresponding correction or correction has been made. negative adjustment to the result of the profit and loss account.