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Form 200. Corporate Income Tax Declaration 2019

7.1.8 Shipping company bonuses in the Canary Islands

In the code [00581] "Bonuses for shipping companies in the Canary Islands (art. 76 Law 19/1994)" on page 14 of form 200, the sum of the bonuses in the quota to which, if applicable, the company is entitled will be entered. reporting entity, among the bonuses regulated in article 76 of Law 19/1994, of July 6, modifying the Economic and Fiscal Regime of the Canary Islands, provided that its application is not excluded due to incompatibility with the receipt of some State aid or conditioned by the corresponding community guidelines or its enjoyment is prevented until the State aid received and declared legal and incompatible with the common market is reimbursed.

The bonuses regulated in article 76 of Law 19/1994 are the following:

  • Bonus of article 76.1 of Law 19/1994

    This bonus will be applied in the following terms:

    • Bonus percentage : 90 percent.

    • Entities affected by : The companies of the ships that are assigned to the regular services between the Canary Islands and between them and the rest of the national territory, as long as these ships cannot be registered in the Special Registry of Ships and Shipping Companies referred to in article 73.1 of Law 19/1994.

    • Subsidized income : The portion of the amount of this tax resulting after making, where applicable, deductions for double taxation, which corresponds to the part of the tax base that is applicable in the exploitation carried out by shipping companies related to the regular services referred to in the previous paragraph.

  • Rebate under Article 76.2 of Act 19/1994

    • Bonus percentage : 90 percent.

    • Entities affected by : Shipping companies that have ships registered in the Special Registry of Ships and Shipping Companies referred to in article 73.1 of Law 19/1994.

    • Subsidized income : The portion of the amount of this tax resulting after making, where applicable, deductions for double taxation, which corresponds to the part of the tax base that comes from the exploitation carried out by the vessels registered in said Special Registry.

Common note to bonuses:

These bonuses of article 76 of Law 19/1994 are incompatible with those applicable to ZEC entities (Canarian Special Zone), since the latter are taxed under their special regime.