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Form 200. Corporate Income Tax Declaration 2019

7.2.6 Deduction for intercorporate double taxation at 5/10%

According to the provisions of article 32 of Law 20/1990, of December 19, on the Tax Regime of Cooperatives, members of protected cooperatives have the right, in relation to cooperative returns, to a deduction in the quota of 10 percent. 100 of those received.

In the event that the returns come from a specially protected cooperative and that, therefore, they would have benefited from the bonus provided for in article 34 of Law 20/1990, this deduction will be 5% of said returns.

In application of this provision, in code [00577] "Deduction for intercorporate internal double taxation at 5/10% (cooperatives)" on page 14 of form 200, the deduction resulting from applying the percentage of 10 percent will be recorded. (5 per 100 in the case of specially protected cooperative societies) on the amount of the returns computed by the taxpayer in the year, provided that said returns come from cooperative societies that have in turn paid taxes without any bonus or reduction for the Tax on Societies.

To take into account :

The deduction is determined, for each homogeneous group of securities, in the following way:

  • Deduction for intercorporate double taxation at 5% = A x 0.05

  • Deduction for intercorporate double taxation at 10% = A x 0.10

Being A, the full amount of the returns with the right to deduction.