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Form 200. Corporate Income Tax Declaration 2019

9.3.2 Section “Financial expenses pending deduction”

Within this section, the entity must enter in column “Pending application at the beginning of the period. By limit 16.5 and 83 LIS » , financial expenses derived from debts intended for the acquisition of shares in the capital or own funds of any type of entities generated in tax periods corresponding to 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 respectively, and that at the beginning of the tax period object of declaration, are pending deduction by application of the limitation regulated in articles 16.5 and 83 of the LIS.

Keep in mind:

The rows corresponding to the years 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2019(**) for the generation of financial expenses pending application will remain closed for the 2019 tax period, so they will not have to be completed.

In column «Pending application at the beginning of the period. Rest» , the entity must include the net financial expenses generated in the tax periods 2012 to 2018, and that at the beginning of the tax period are pending deduction by application of the limit established in article 16.1 from the LIS; as well as the financial expenses derived from debts destined to the acquisition of shares in the capital or own funds of any type of entities generated in previous periods that, complying with the limit established in articles 16.5 and 83 of the LIS, were not deductible in tax periods. previous ones by application of the limit provided for in article 16.1 of said standard.

Keep in mind:

The 2019(**) row for generating financial expenses pending application will remain closed for the 2019 tax period, so they will not have to be completed.

In the keys [01188], [01193], [01198], [01203], [01463], [01737] and [01978], the entity will record the financial expenses generated in the tax periods corresponding to 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 respectively, which are pending deduction in the period subject to declaration in accordance with what is indicated in the previous paragraph.

In the column "Applied in this settlement" , the entity must enter the amount of the financial expenses generated in previous tax periods pending deduction included in the columns "Pending application at the beginning of period", applies in the tax period object of declaration.

In column «Pending application in future periods. By limit 16.5 and 83 LIS» , the entity will record the financial expenses pending application in future tax periods generated, in accordance with what was established above, in the tax periods 2015 to 2018, respectively.

In column «Pending application in future periods. Rest» , the net financial expenses pending deduction in future tax periods, which have not been subject to deduction in the tax periods 2012 to 2018, which have not been subject to deduction by application, will be included. of the limit established in article 16.1 of the LIS, and, likewise, the financial expenses derived from debts destined for the acquisition of shares in the capital or own funds of any type of entities, which complying with the limit of articles 16.5 and 83 of the LIS, are pending deduction by application of the limit established in article 16.1 of said rule.

Keep in mind:

This section will only be completed when amounts corresponding to the excess of operating profit limits from previous years are applied in the year, or when an amount must appear in the column that includes the excesses over the operating profit limit pending application in periods. futures.

Common note for completing this table:

"row 2019 (*)" will only be completed when the entity has net financial expenses pending application in future tax periods, which have been generated in another tax period starting in 2019, but lower 12 months and prior to the declared.