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Form 200. Corporate Income Tax Declaration 2019 Transferring entity: NIF and company name (page 23 of model 200)

These codes will contain, if they have one, the tax identification number (NIF) and the corporate name of the entity that has transferred its corporate assets due to the merger or division to which the special regime applies, in accordance with the provisions of articles 76 and 77 of the LIS .

If it is a securities exchange operation, the NIF and corporate name of the partner of the investee entity whose securities are exchanged will be recorded, in accordance with the provisions of articles 76 and 80 of the LIS.

In the case of transfers of the business or of assets or liabilities carried out by credit institutions regulated in the eighth Additional Provision of the LIS, the NIF and the corporate name of the credit institution that carried out the transfer will be entered.