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2021 Wealth tax

3.8.2. Filing method

Taxpayers of the Wealth Tax must submit the declaration corresponding to this tax electronically via the Internet (form 714).

The Wealth Tax return shall be submitted in accordance with the provisions of sections a) and c) of article 2 of Order HAP/2194/2013, of 22 November, regulating the procedures and general conditions for the submission of certain self-assessments, information returns, census returns, communications and refund requests of a tax nature, taking into account the following:

  • Self-assessments for the Wealth Tax must be completed using the web form of model 714 available at the Electronic Office of the State Tax Administration Agency.

  • Electronic filing via the Internet can be done using the following electronic identification, authentication and signature systems: Recognized electronic certificate issued in accordance with the provisions of article 2.a).1. of Order HAP/2194/2013, dated November 22, the Cl@ve PIN system in accordance with the provisions of article 2.a).2. of Order HAP/2194/2013, dated November 22, and by providing the Tax Identification Number (NIF) of the taxpayer or taxpayers and the reference number made available to the taxpayer by the State Tax Administration Agency.