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2021 Wealth tax Section G4

G4) Shares and participations in the capital stock or own funds of any legal entities not traded on organized markets (art. 16 Law 19/91)

This section will include shares and participations in the share capital or own funds of any legal entities not traded on organized markets, except those corresponding to Collective Investment Institutions.

Rules of assessment

  1. Favorable audit report

    The valuation will be carried out according to the theoretical value resulting from the last approved balance sheet, provided that this, whether mandatory or voluntary, has been subjected to review and verification and the audit report is favorable.

  2. Unaudited balance sheet or unfavorable audit report

    In the event that the balance sheet has not been audited or the audit report is not favorable, the valuation will be carried out by the highest value of the following three:

    • Nominal value

    • Theoretical value resulting from the last approved balance sheet

    • Value resulting from capitalizing at the rate of 20 percent the average of the profits of the three fiscal years closed prior to the date of accrual of the Tax.

    The benefits will include dividends distributed and allocations to reserves, excluding those for regularization or updating of balance sheets.

    To calculate the capitalization of the average profits, the following formula may be used:

    Capitalization = [(B1+B2+B3)/3]*(100/20)

    B1, B2 and B3 being the profits of each of the three fiscal years closed prior to the date of accrual of the tax.

Participations in the social capital of cooperatives

The valuation of the shares of the members or associates in the social capital of the cooperatives will be determined based on the total amount of the social contributions disbursed, mandatory or voluntary, resulting from the last approved balance sheet, with deduction, where appropriate, of the losses. unreintegrated social workers.

Entities must provide their partners, associates or participants with certificates with the corresponding valuations, which will allow them to complete this section.


Regarding each of the shares or participations, you must record: the key corresponding to full ownership or bare ownership depending on the case, the percentage of ownership. If you have different rights over the same asset, the completion will be done by differentiating the percentage of ownership of each of them and recording the data corresponding to each one by clicking "register asset or right".

It will also record the number of securities (the program allows decimals), the NIF of the issuing entity indicating whether it is foreign, the description of the securities and the value.

If you have to list more elements than those contemplated in the program, you can declare them cumulatively in the last box. In this case you will only have to fill in the data related to the description and the rating.