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Assets 2022 C1) Non-exempt assets and rights related to business and professional activities (except related real estate)

The assets and rights assigned to economic activities according to the IRPF regulations will be computed by the value resulting from their accounting, by difference between the real assets and the payable liabilities, provided that the former complies with the provisions of the Commercial Code.

In the absence of accounting in accordance with the Commercial Code, the valuation of each good or right affected by the activity will be that resulting from the other valuation rules of this Tax and which are included in the remaining sections.


You must indicate the following information for each good or right:

  • The Heading of the IAE (Tax on Economic Activities) in which the activity is classified.

    Exceptionally, if the activity carried out does not require registration with the Economic Activities Tax, this box will be left unfilled.

  • The key that corresponds according to the ownership of the property, whether in full ownership or by a right of usufruct.

  • The percentage of ownership or, where appropriate, usufruct. If you have one part in ownership and another in usufruct, the completion will be done by differentiating the percentage of ownership from that of usufruct and completing the data corresponding to each of them by clicking "register asset or right".

  • If the right is over a property, you must previously mark an “X” in the box established for this purpose.

  • The nature of the property (urban, rural) and the cadastral reference (in the case of rights over real estate).

  • The value used column will reflect the key that corresponds to the valuation rule used.

  • The address where the activity takes place.

  • The description of the good or right.

  • The valuation of the asset in accordance with the valuation rule set out above.

If you have to list more elements than those contemplated in the program, you can declare them cumulatively in the last box. In this case you will only have to fill in the data related to the description and the rating.