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Assets 2022

4.2.8. H) Exempt securities representing participation in the own funds of legal entities

H1) Exempt shares and participations in the share capital or own funds of legal entities traded on organized markets (art. 4.8.2 Law 19/91; RD 1704/99)

You must enter in this space the shares in entities traded on organized markets, to the extent that they meet the conditions to benefit from the exemption provided for in the Tax Law.

For these purposes, full ownership, bare ownership and the right of lifelong usufruct over participations in entities will be exempt.

The taxpayer must record the part of the value of the shares that are exempt in accordance with the Tax rules.

The part of the value of the shares that, if applicable, are not exempt, must be included in the heading corresponding to non-exempt shares and participations.

H2) Exempt shares and participations in the capital stock or own funds of legal entities not traded on organized markets and exempt participations in the capital stock of cooperatives (art. 4.8.2 Law 19/91; RD 1704/99)

You must enter in this space the shares in entities not traded on organized markets, whose ownership corresponds directly to the taxpayer, to the extent that they meet the conditions and requirements to benefit from the exemption provided for in the Tax Law.

For these purposes, full ownership, bare ownership and the right of lifelong usufruct over participations in entities will be exempt.

The taxpayer must record the part of the value of the shares that are exempt in accordance with the Tax rules.

The part of the value of the shares that, if applicable, are not exempt, must be included in the heading corresponding to non-exempt shares and participations.


Regarding each of the shares or participations, you must record: the key corresponding to full ownership, bare ownership or life usufruct depending on the case, the percentage of individual participation and the percentage in the entity owned jointly with the spouse, ascendants, descendants or 2nd degree collaterals.

If you have different rights over the same asset, the completion will be done by differentiating the percentage of ownership of each of them and recording the data corresponding to each one by clicking "register asset or right".

It will also record the number of securities (the program allows decimals), the ISIN assigned by the CNMV or, failing that, the NIF of the issuer, indicating if the issuer is foreign, the description of the securities and the value. In section H1) when foreign securities do not have an ISIN assigned, the identification number of the issuing entity in the country of residence will be entered or, failing that, the Country Code.

If you have to list more elements than those contemplated in the program, you can declare them cumulatively in the last box. In this case you will only have to fill in the data related to the description and the rating.

  1. Conditions for exemption from participations in entities
  2. Value of exempt shares