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Heritage 2023

4.2.10. J) Temporary or life annuities

In this section, temporary or life annuities constituted as a result of the delivery of a capital in money, movable or immovable property, the ownership of which corresponds to the declarant, must be declared.


The valuation of the same must be carried out, in general, by the result of capitalizing the annuity at 3% (legal interest rate of money in force on the date of accrual of this Tax), and taking from the resulting capital that part that, according to the rules established to value the usufructs, corresponds to the age of the annuitant, if the annuity is for life, or to the duration of the annuity, if it is temporary.

When the amount of income is not quantified in monetary units, the valuation will be obtained by capitalizing the amount of 8,400.00 euros, the amount of the public indicator of multiple-effect income (IPREM) for the year 2023.

As an exception, when the income received comes from life insurance, it must be computed at the value established in the valuation rule provided for life insurance in the recipient's tax base.


A data capture window will open in which the following must be indicated for each income:

  • The paying person or entity in which it has been established

  • The description of its temporary or lifelong nature by selecting the corresponding key.

  • The amount of the annuity received in the year.

  • The valuation of income in accordance with the tax rules indicated above and the key corresponding to the valuation used.

If you have to relate more elements than those contemplated in the program, you can declare them cumulatively in the last box. In this case you will only have to fill in the data relating to the description and the valuation.