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Practical Income Manual 2019.


Exemptions from article 7 of the Personal Income Tax Law

Individual savings plans

In order to ensure that the application of the exemption provided for in article 7.v) of the Personal Income Tax Law for the returns of Systematic Savings Plans meets the intended purpose, this That is, to address, from a fiscal perspective, the problems derived from aging and dependency by promoting savings, it is required that life insurance contracts entered into after April 1, 2019 implement individual systematic savings plans and in which Reversal mechanisms, certain benefit periods or counterinsurance formulas in the event of death are established, meet a series of requirements.

These requirements are not required or applicable to life insurance contracts entered into prior to April 1, 2019, regardless of whether the annuity is created after said date.

Exemption from capital gains in reinvestment cases

Exemption for reinvestment in annuities

As in the case of Systematic Savings Plans and for the same reason, that is, to ensure that the application of the exemption of capital gains for reinvestment in annuity provided for in article 38.3 of the Personal Income Tax Law complies with The intended purpose of promoting pension savings by taxpayers over 65 years of age, the requirements that insurance annuities must meet are specified in the case of contracts entered into after April 1, 2019, in which reversal mechanisms are established, certain benefit periods or counterinsurance formulas in the event of death. Requirements that are the same as for Systematic Savings Plans.

The above does not apply to life insurance contracts entered into prior to April 1, 2019.

Other exempt income

Special tax for certain gambling and lottery winnings.

Prizes whose full amount is equal to or less than 20,000 euros will be exempt for the 2019 financial year.